See for yourself:
There are approximately 4,895,000 sq. ft. of proposed, approved and under construction projects in the Greenway, North End and Boston’s waterfront.The Downtown Waterfront District Municipal Harbor Planning “MHP,” the Boston Redevelopment Authority “BRA,” and Mayor’s office are currently planning the future of our neighborhood. There are multiple projects in various stages of planning, development and construction. This will result in sweeping changes to the area. Some of these proposed developments far exceed current zoning and Chapter 91 guidelines. This map and list of building projects give a bird’s eye view of the overwhelming potential impact to the area.
Listed in order of size
1. Government Center Garage 2,400,000 Sq. Ft. (Approved)
470 ft tall Residential Tower (45 stories)
275 ft tall Residential Tower
600 ft tall Office Building (48 stories)
275 ft tall Hotel
82,500 sq ft of restaurants and stores
2. Harbor Garage 1.3 Million Sq. Ft. (Proposed)
3. 1 Canal St. 438,000 sq. ft. (Under Construction)
4. James Hook Co. 200,000 Sq. Ft (Proposed)
22 stories
5. Haymarket Hotel 140,000 sq. ft. (Proposed)
10 stories
6. 110 Broad Street 83,500 Sq. Ft. (Proposed)
7. 55 India Street 67,000 Sq. Ft. (Approved)
8. 104 Canal St. 47,355 sq ft. (Approved)
9. Boston Public Market — 29,460 sq. ft. (Under Construction)
10. Lewis Wharf Project 190,000 sq. ft. 300 Room Hotel.
? Sargent’s Wharf. 13,250 sq. ft. owned by the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA). Classified by BRA as “Potential Housing Site.” Future unknown.
Please click on the Development Tab to see details on some of these proposed developments and their potential impact on our community.